PharmD Cost of Attendance

To best prepare you for your experience at Appalachian College of Pharmacy, we’ve created this estimated cost of attendance to help you calculate expenditures. Actual costs may vary from student to student, but this guide should help you focus on the path ahead. Please note these expenses are in addition to tuition and fees, which differ depending upon the student’s academic level, i.e., P1, P2, or P3 (see Tuition and Fees for the current year’s costs).
Click here for a COA for each class of students
Click here for information about subsidized loan interest and fees
First (P1) and Second (P2) Year Student Cost of Attendance
Below is a list of estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) expenses which a student may incur while attending ACP during the 2024-2025 academic year. Please note these expenses are in addition to tuition and fees, which differ depending upon the student’s academic level, i.e., P1 or P2 (see Tuition and Fees for the current year’s costs). These estimates may be used for calculating student expenditures.
Expense | Per Month | Per Year |
Housing | $630/month | $7,560 |
Utilities | $380/month | $4,560 |
Food | $450/month | $5,400 |
Incidentals | $185/month | $2,220 |
Transportation | $450/month | $5,400 |
Total Monthly Expenses | $2,095/month | $25,140 |
The 2024-2025 Cost of Attendance $8,380 per term (minus the government fees deducted prior to disbursement) for a first year student is based on two terms of enrollment (fall and spring). However, a second year students’ Cost of Attendance covers three terms or a full year of enrollment (summer, fall and spring).
Third (P3) Year Student Cost of Attendance
Third year (P3) students have a higher cost of living allotment than the first and second year students due to changes in rotational sites. Below is a list of estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) expenses which a student may incur while attending ACP during the 2024-2025 academic year. Please note these expenses are in addition to tuition and fees, which differ depending upon the student’s academic level (see Tuition and Fees for the current year’s costs). These estimates may be used for calculating student expenditures.
Expense | Per Month | Per Year |
Housing | $755/month | $9,060 |
Utilities | $425/month | $5,100 |
Food | $465/month | $5,580 |
Incidentals | $210/month | $2,520 |
Transportation | $490/month | $5,880 |
Total Monthly Expenses | $2,345/month | $28,140 |
The 2024-2025 Cost of Attendance $9,380 per term (minus the government fees deducted prior to disbursement) for a third year students’ Cost of Attendance covers three terms or a full year of enrollment (summer, fall and spring).
The total cost of attendance to obtain the PharmD degree at ACP’s three year program is $192,540, should a student choose to utilize loans and borrow the maximum amount for those three years. Students can expect to pay back $192,540 plus any fees and interest charged by the loan provider / servicer.
In addition to Cost of Attendance (COA), the following fees are not included as components of tuition and fees for ACP and are the financial responsibility of the student:
Health Insurance – required for matriculation, class attendance, and clinical rotations. Health Insurance costs vary depending upon a student’s age, health condition, and type of insurance plan.
Background Checks – the first background check is required prior to matriculation. A second background check is required at the end of the P1 year for clinical rotations. Additional background checks may be required for the P3 APPE clinical rotations. Some clinical rotation sites require a background check to be completed within 30 days of beginning that rotation.
Drug Screens – a drug screen will be required prior to beginning clinical rotations. Some clinical rotation sites require a drug screen to be conducted within 30 days of beginning that rotation.
Physical Exam – a physical exam may be required prior to beginning clinical rotations. Some clinical rotation sites may require a physical exam to be completed within the year prior to beginning that rotation.
Immunizations – immunizations are required by the College and by clinical rotations sites. Immunizations must be completed and up to date prior to beginning clinical rotations.
CPR certification – CPR is required to maintain APhA’s Pharmacy-Based Immunization Delivery Certification permitting student pharmacists to give vaccinations. In addition CPR may be required for experiential rotations.
Required on-line certifications and training – OSHA training, HIPAA training and other certifications and training may be required by clinical rotation sites.
Any additional requirement or expense incurred to attend rotation sites, including, but NOT limited to transportation, lodging, meals, etc.
Professional Judgment
You may have special circumstances that are not reflected on your FAFSA. The U.S. Department of Education gives the College some latitude to apply professional judgment to some circumstances. In most instances, this would apply to unreimbursed medical expenses, excessive costs for childcare or elder care cost. Students are required to submit a detailed request form along with sufficient documentation explaining the special circumstance to to determine whether additional funds may be granted. You will be advised if additional information or documentation is required. If a special circumstance request is submitted, the Financial Aid Office does NOT guarantee that a change will be made to your financial aid award package. The decision of Financial Aid Services is final and may not be appealed. If approved, any additional funds awarded will increase your overall student debt.