Appalachian College of Pharmacy
These Awards of Excellence recognize the outstanding achievements of our impressive students, faculty, and preceptors. We honor recipients in areas of academics, leadership, research, education and more. We take great pride in each of these individuals, and enjoy sharing their achievements.
Student Volunteer of the Year Award
The recipient of this award, selected by the staff of the Student Affairs Office (SAO), exemplifies outstanding service, dedication and commitment through volunteerism for SAO sponsored activities and events.
Volunteer of the Year Award
This award, voted by the Student Affairs Office, recognizes an individual who assists the Student Affairs Office with unfailing dedication to the College through innumerable hours of volunteerism.
Outstanding Service Award
This award, voted by the Student Affairs Office, recognizes a faculty member or preceptor whose service and volunteerism to the Student Affairs Office and the College is instrumental in helping the College fulfill its mission of admitting highly qualified applicants into the PharmD program.
ACP Community Service Award
The recipient of this community service award will exemplify outstanding service through the ACP Pharmacists in Community Service (PICS) program.
ACP Distinguished Service Award
This award recognizes a student with demonstrated academic excellence, leadership and outstanding service commitment to the College and greater community. The recipient of this distinguished service award will exemplify outstanding service within the community and through the ACP Pharmacists in Community Service program.
ACP Outstanding Student Leadership Award
This award recognizes a student who has exemplified outstanding leadership qualities and demonstrated interest in either community pharmacy or health system pharmacy practice. The recipient of this leadership award is actively involved and takes on a leadership role in various student and professional organizations as well as extracurricular service learning activities within the community. The recipient exemplifies exceptional leadership qualities and commitment to the college of pharmacy as well as the profession of pharmacy.
ACP Professionalism Award
This award recognizes the ideals of professionalism and excellence in patient care in all aspects of the recipient’s academic pharmacy career. The recipient demonstrates a strong commitment and dedication to the highest ideals of professionalism in the practice of pharmacy. The recipient exemplifies exceptional service and commitment to the profession academically, through involvement in professional/student organizations, and within the community.
Academic Excellence in Pharmacy Award
This award recognizes excellence in academics and professional motivation in the profession of pharmacy. The recipient must have exemplified exceptional scholastic achievement both inside and outside of the classroom. The Pharmacy Excellence Award includes academic excellence and other creative activities, such as community involvement linked to the student’s academic studies.
NCPA Student of the Year Award
This individual must be an active member of NCPA who has contributed to the continued success of their NCPA student chapter.
ACP Dean’s List
Recognition of graduating students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.
ACP Dean’s Award
This award recognizes a student’s outstanding achievement and unselfish devotion to his or her class, the college, and the profession. The recipient must have exemplified exceptional service and commitment to the profession academically, through involvement in professional/student organizations, and extracurricular service learning opportunities.
Above and Beyond Award
Faculty member who has gone “above and beyond” in providing academic support, tutoring, career counseling, or mentoring.
Outstanding Science Faculty Teaching Award
This award recognizes a full-time regular science faculty member for outstanding achievement in the area of teaching. The recipient: (1) utilizes approaches to teaching that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn; (2) develops curricula and resources that reflect a command of the field; (3) approaches assessment and feedback which foster independent learning; (4) respects and supports the development of students as individuals; (5) conducts scholarly activities that influence and enhance learning and teaching.
Academic Excellence in Clinical Teaching Award
This award is designed to recognize an outstanding faculty member who: (1) has had a positive impact on students’ clinical education; (2) is highly knowledgeable and intellectually rigorous; (3) is deeply committed to teaching students; (4) is skilled in interacting with students and promoting learning; (5) has had a positive and lasting impact on students.
Administrative Staff Member of the Year Award
This award recognizes a staff member who best demonstrates the qualities of exceptional service and commitment to the College.
Preceptor of Excellence Award
This award, voted on by third year students, recognizes an outstanding preceptor amongst ACP Faculty who has had a positive impact on students’ experiential program.
Preceptor of the Year Award
This award is designed to recognize outstanding preceptors who have had a positive impact on students’ experiential education.
Preceptor of Distinction
This award recognizes an outstanding preceptor amongst ACP pharmaceutical sciences faculty who has had a positive impact on students’ experiential education.
Student Organization Advisor of the Year
This award, nominated by the student body, is given to the ACP faculty member of a recognized ACP Student Organization who best fulfills the ideals of a student mentor and organization advisor in the professional development of student pharmacists.
Community Outreach Acclamation Award
This award recognizes a faculty member who actively participates in community outreach events and contributes their time to supervise students during those events.
Rite Aid Retail Management Award
Graduating senior most likely to succeed as a retail pharmacy manager.
Virginia Pharmacists Association (VPhA) Research and Foundation Student Award
This competitive award is presented annually to one student from each school of pharmacy in Virginia. Nominated students must: (1) have achieved above average scholastic results (top 25% of his or her class academically); (2) have demonstrated the ideals of professionalism and excellence in patient care in all aspects of his/her academic pharmacy career; (3) have demonstrated exceptional service and commitment to the profession of pharmacy through involvement in professional organizations and other extracurricular learning opportunities; (4) intend to apply their knowledge of patient care to achieve better outcomes of drug therapy and health care delivery as a practitioner of pharmaceutical care upon graduation; (5) be a member of the student organization at their school.
Facts & Comparisons Awards of Excellence in Clinical Communication
Recipient should: (1) be a upcoming graduate of the College of Pharmacy; (2) be in the top 25% of their class academically; (3) possess superior verbal and written clinical communication skills.
Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacy (VSHP) Student Leadership Award
Presented annually to the outgoing President of the Student Chapter of VSHP.
Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacy (VSHP) Excellence in Health System Pharmacy Student Award
Recipient will have: (1) demonstrated excellence in patient care activities in health system pharmacy practice; (2) demonstrated an interest in pharmacy practice in health-system pharmacy (e.g. hospital, home care, managed care, long term care) through work experiences, didactic/experiential experiences, or both; (3) demonstrated intent to pursue a career in health system pharmacy upon graduation. Residency training can also be included as long as the residency is associated with health care pharmacy; (4) recipient is a member and has been active in the student VSHP chapter and is a graduating student.
Merck Awards
Awarded to the student who has shown outstanding proficiency in medicinal chemistry.
Natural Medicine Comprehensive Database Recognition Award
Graduating senior who has exhibited interest and expertise related to natural medicines, including efforts to minimize adverse effects due to inappropriate use, and to encourage an evidence-based approach to natural medicines.
Eli Lilly Achievement Award
Superior scholastic record, ethics, leadership, professional achievement.
TEVA Outstanding Student Award
Graduating senior who demonstrated academic achievement, professional leadership and good character.
Mylan Excellence in Pharmacy Award
Graduating senior in top 25% of class academically, demonstrating high professional motivation and the intent to enter into practice upon graduation.
Distinguished Alumni Award
The Distinguished Alumni Award recipient has made distinguished contributions in the fields of public health and public service, have performed outstanding activities in the interest of the college and its students, and have an outstanding record in the profession of pharmacy.