Student Services
The goal of the Student Affairs Office is to provide support programs, services, and activities for our students, especially those that assist student needs and the mission of the College. We are here to help you focus on your education to further your future career.
The Appalachian College of Pharmacy Student Handbook and Course Catalog is listed below.
ACP Student Handbook & Course Catalog 2024-2025
Archived copies of Appalachian College of Pharmacy (ACP) student handbooks and course catalogs are stored in the ACP library. To obtain a copy of an archived student handbook and course catalog email a request to Dr. Angie Mutter at amutter@acp.edu or Jason McGlothlin at jmcglothlin@acp.edu.
ACP provides academic support and tutoring to students through Planned Academic Success System (PASS). Tutoring is provided at no additional charge to students. Student tutors are available to meet with students and provide individual tutoring, tutoring in small groups, as well as review sessions open to the entire class. Members of faculty are also available to provide additional academic support to students through PASS.
To request a tutor, please contact:
Mrs. Angie Mutter
Academic Success Coordinator
The ACP Faculty Advisor Program provides students the opportunity to develop a professional relationship with a faculty member who may serve as a role model for the student. By pairing faculty members with students over the course of their academic career the students are given a resource and sounding board where he or she can share his or her goals, academic needs and discuss other issues. This program also provides students exposure to professional interactions with peers, other faculty members and administration. The goal of the program is to provide students with an advocate on the faculty as well as a source of academic and personal support.
The Student Mentor Program is a peer mentoring program at ACP. This program is designed to provide incoming first year students a second or third year student mentor to serve as a resource for them during their first year in pharmacy school. The program hopes to empower students to help themselves and each other. The goal of the program is to assist first year students in acclimating effectively to the academic environment and college community. Student advisors are supervised by the Assistant Dean of Student and Alumni Affairs.
The Appalachian College of Pharmacy provides disability services through the Student Affairs Office.
To request accommodations complete the following steps.
Step 1: Each treating practitioner must complete the Health Care Provider’s Statement.
Step 2: Obtain all supporting medical documentation.
Step 3: Submit the Accommodation Request Form.
For more information regarding disability services, contact the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs.
The College encourages students that find themselves in need of mental health, substance abuse and intellectual disability services to contact one of the following providers:
Crisis Services
P.O. Box 810
Cedar Bluff, VA 24609
Tel: (276) 964-6702
Fax: (276) 964-5669
After Hours: 1-800-466-6719
Cumberland Mountain Community Services
P.O. Box 810
Cedar Bluff, VA 24609
Healing Waters Counseling Center
1113 Cedar Valley Drive
Cedar Bluff, VA 24609
Clinch Valley Treatment Center
111 Town Hollow Road
Cedar Bluff, VA 24609
Stone Mountain Health Services
St. Charles Community Health Center
241 Monarch Road
St. Charles, VA 24282
Health Connect America
18334 Riverside Drive
Grundy, VA 24614
Tel: (276) 242-6603
Fax: (276) 242-6602
Referrals: www.healthconnectamerica.com
The sex offender and crimes against minors public registry can be found at:
The Appalachian College of Pharmacy Safety department is very concerned about providing timely warnings to the entire campus community about potential threats to students or employees. This is accomplished through press releases, email messages, text messages, posters, and with messages on this web site.
Click here for The 2024 Campus Safety Report. (you will need Adobe Reader to view this file).
Click here for The 2024 Institutional Information. (you will need Adobe Reader to view this file).
Campus Safety Authorities Training
Click on this link to view our PowerPoint presentation that details our safety training for faculty, staff and students.
Report a Crime on Campus
Click on this link to complete our form for crimes you may have knowledge of and submit the form to the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs or Director of Safety.
Buchanan County Voter Registration Office
Mailing Address : PO Box 975 Grundy, Virginia 24614-0975
Physical Address: 23784 Riverside Dr. Grundy Virginia 24614-6190
Phone: 276-935-6534 Fax: 276-935-4320
Email: govote027@vmmicro.net
Hours: Mon – Fri 8 AM – 4 PM
Virginia State Board of Elections – Virginia voter registration
ACP seeks to attract a diverse student population with demonstrated academic competency and commitment to the profession of pharmacy. ACP does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, or veteran’s status.
Examination Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The Appalachian College of Pharmacy (the College) and its programs do not discriminate against individuals with disabilities in its programs, as those disabilities are defined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 706; 45 C.F.R. § 84.3(k)(3); and the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101, et seq. In an effort to provide full opportunities to individuals with disabilities, the College offers individualization and reasonable accommodation as required by law. Reasonable accommodations are those that do not fundamentally alter the nature of the College’s educational program, and can be provided without undue financial or administrative burden, and without lowering academic or other essential performance standards.
Students with medically verifiable disabilities may be provided extra time or other reasonable accommodations for completing examinations. Petitions for accommodations must be made to the Dean by September 1 of each academic year for which the student desires them. Each petition should be accompanied by evidence of the medical condition and evidence detailing the accommodations which have been provided the student in past educational settings or examinations. Particular weight is given to accommodations provided in taking the PCAT. The student whose request is granted is responsible for making appropriate arrangements with the School administration.
Individuals who believe they have been discriminated against on the basis of a disability may file a complaint under the College’s Grievance Policy contained in the Student Handbook PDF file and Course Catalog PDF file, which are distributed to students at the beginning of each academic year.
The directory of health service providers is included for informational purposes only and is not an endorsement of a specific health service provider.
Buchanan General Hospital
1535 Slate Creek Rd
Grundy, VA 24614
Appalachian Family Care
18765 Riverside Drive
Vansant, VA 24656
Clinch Valley Medical Center
6801 Gov. G. C. Peery Highway
Richlands, VA 24641
All 50 states and the U.S. Territories accept the PharmD degree toward licensure as a pharmacist.
Completion of intern hours is a requirement for licensure as a pharmacist in all states and U.S. Territories. The intern hours fulfilled as part of the PharmD degree are accepted toward licensure in the majority of states. Some states and U.S. Territories (e.g., Alaska, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, and the District of Columbia) require additional intern/practical experience hours which must be earned independent of the academic program.
Two states, Pennsylvania and Florida, require completion of an additional training course prior to licensure. Florida requires a course of not less than two hours on medication errors and Pennsylvania requires a three hour course on child abuse recognition and reporting requirements.
Student Identity and Privacy Policy
The Appalachian College of Pharmacy (ACP) is committed to protecting the privacy of all students, including those enrolled in distance and correspondence education. Our procedure for protecting student privacy is outlined below. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for ensuring the provisions below are
a. ACP protects the privacy of all students, including distance and correspondence education students, through the strict adherence to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended (FERPA) Faculty and staff receive training on FERPA annually.
b. At the time of enrollment, all students are required to present the College with a government issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, and complete the College’s Identity & Statement of Educational Purpose form for initial verification of student identity. A copy of the completed form will be
placed within the student’s academic records.
c. ACP issues a unique username and password to each student (and student ID) at the initial time of enrollment. The unique username and student identification number (ID) are the unique identifiers for the student throughout their academic career at ACP. The unique username or student ID is used along with a unique password or PIN for all ACP activities including email (via Google G Suite for Education), Sonis (student information system), CORe (experiential education platform), and Moodle (learning management system (LMS)). For security purposes, all systems require all passwords to be updated approximately every 90 days. Students receive a training session on username and password security and protection during Orientation that includes having them change the initial password provided. The College has no access or
ability to view passwords once the initial password is reset by the student.
d. Student identity is verified through secure login, proctored examinations (e.g., supervised face-to-face, electronic, and/or online services), and/or other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying student identification.
i. All students are required to use a secure login/pass code to access Moodle (LMS), ExamSoft (secure assessment software), and/or other platforms (e.g., Google Classroom, Google Meet, GoToMeeting, Zoom. Moodle and the other platforms allow for regular and timely interactions between students and faculty.
ii. For all proctored assessments, students must present an official, current ACP photo ID prior to taking the assessment or use ExamID in ExamSoft.
e. Students and faculty at ACP access all courses, including distance and correspondence education courses, through the College’s LMS Moodle, which may provide links to other platforms (e.g., Google Classroom, Google Meet, GoToMeeting, Zoom) that require a secure login/pass code.
i. ACP’s LMS restricts access to course and student information by controlling users’ access through user roles (e.g., course coordinator, faculty, student). Student users are only able to access course information that is needed to complete course requirements. The privacy of individual student’s
assessments and grades is maintained within the LMS.
ii. Only registered students are enrolled in course sites.
iii. Faculty access to course information is restricted to courses which they teach.
iv. Only users that have completed FERPA training have access to the control panel (e.g., Gradebook tool) and protected student information in course sites.
f. Faculty use ACP’s secure SONIS website for reporting student grades for all courses, including distance and correspondence education courses. Only the course coordinator, Registrar, and Dean/Assistant Deans have the permissions in SONIS to view student grades.